Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Election Post

Hey there,

I hope you all voted today. It's been kind of a hair-raising day, with all of this election action going on. I'm watching the election coverage, and it's kind of worrying me. It's not that I don't believe that this whole process isn't important, but I don't really know why this whole election even got called. It seems that the end results are almost the same (barring a conservative majority, which in my opinion would blow massive balls) on the grand scale of things, save that the NDP has actually gained some strength nationally. I'm not going to go into who I voted for, but it's obvious that I didn't vote conservative.

I'm not really writing here to make any kind of political statement. I'm just making an observation of what is going on. I spent a lot of this campaign reading, as opposed to listening; I feel that what the leaders of the parties were saying on the debates/in their advertisements was really negative. I hate how the advertisements highlighted nothing about the advertiser's campaign, but rather how much of a butt-gobbler the other guy is (save for the Green Party). It really put me off. I read more about what was to be going on, what the parties were offering, and was able to weigh my opinion based on something other than slander/hype.

Anyway, I'm hoping this all turns out as a minority so that Canadians can see how much of a mess and a waste of time this whole election was. We'll be seeing Dion leaving the leadership of the Liberals (based on what I've been hearing from the "experts") at the end of all this, and maybe a fresh face will take over and bring some new ideas to the Liberals. The big dink that's the PM will face a lot of fire about his calling this thing. The mustachioed avenger will come back stronger next time, and the greens will be happy with their results. To be honest, I'm glad this whole thing is almost over.

Tony Important

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