Sunday, June 12, 2011

It is late...

I've decided that I'm just not going to talk about the fact that I'm blogging again to anybody. I donno, I always say that I'm going to keep up with this, but I think I want it to grow into something a bit more organically this time.

I was going through a few of my older posts, and was almost taken aback by how angry I seemed at the beginning of this thing. Bile filled rants against people I didn't know, whishing tragedy on them, it just seems so juvenile and without thought. Like I was some kind of troll, just not enjoying my own existence and attacking anyone who seemed like they were impeding my life.

I guess in some ways I am still considerably cynical and come off as jaded, but that's maybe the perspective I choose to take on my life. I've been slighted by friends, family, work, school, and even myself enough to just assume there is always bad with the good. It's like I feel that it's  to be expected that (in most cases, not ALL) for any positive step I take in my life there's a shard of glass to step on, or something that trips me up to keep me from reaching my full potential. I guess it's all in my head.

Has this blog become a ventilation destination for my woes? I surely hope not. I'm just glad that I'm finally back to writing and putting my own thoughts on (digital) paper.

I'm going to go to bed now. I'm ecstatic that Danielle is home tomorrow. I miss her a lot. It's actually hard for me to sleep.

Tony I

Song of the day (it's back) - 'Either Way" - Wilco

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