Friday, October 03, 2003

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING!!! Wow, I'm really tired right now. It's 12:45pm and i went to bed a 5am. Last night was intense. REALLY intense. Jimmy, and shimmy and whammy were all there for a good length of time. Cooke was Cooked, Omar was not moveable, and it was all good. Even Jessica Diplomacy showed up to hang out with us. Cooke had to take the walk, and of course Action was listened to a few times. Plus a live vocal performance of some classic ("CLLLASSIC" - Omar) blink, including a long harmony session. It started raining, i had to book cause i saw something, but i came around eventually. We parted ways after 4:15am, and all made the walk home through puddles and mud. Good times. Shim tonight. I'm sorry if you know nothing of the lingo, because this would have made more sence.
"Everythings Gonna Be Fine" - blink-182

P.S.---> less than 1.5 months till new blink. OOOOH MAMMA