Saturday, November 13, 2004

Ok, it HAS been a while. Oh well. My post today will consist of the transpirings of Pop-explosion weekend and the week leading up to today. What fun!

Ok, I'll give my run down of Friday. I basically did nothing but hang out with Danielle until I had to work in the evening. It was good. I love her a lot. Then I went to work. I worked with Cory, which is always fun. We talked about all kinds of different stuff, and I think we had a 20-30 minute conversation about nachos and pizza. It was pretty funny. After work, I headed into Halifax to meet up with my manager Lloyd, who gave me his pass for the show that evening. It alright, except I had to get dropped off at the marquee around 9. I should have gone to Dave K's. I didn't think of that until now. I'm stupid.

Anyway, around 10ish, Dave and Steve showed up. I got beers and we waited for The Holy Shroud to start playing. I didn't know what to expect, because I didn't remember what they sounded like. (I think we played a show with an early incaration of the band, because I remember the drummer being the same guy, same with the bassest.) Needless to say, I enjoyed their set immensely. They had a ton of energy and their songs were really interesting to listen to. They had a hard edge to them, which was interesting to hear. I'm definitely going to see them the next time they play. Boo-yeah. I took a bunch of pics too... and here they are...

After those guys, Wax Mannequin started playing. It was pretty funny. He was by himself accompanied by a drum machine that looked quite similar to Paul's. He had a raw rock kind of sound to his voice and his guitar was simple, but it still ruled. He broke his pick during his set and eventually bloodied up his fingers. I got up front and handed him a pick. Then I took some pictures.

After him, The Organ came on. I was mostly excited to see this act, because I'd not heard much of any of the other bands other than them. They sounded ok at best with their live sound, and they had zero stage presence. But I still enjoyed most of the show, at least what I saw. When I took these pics, I started out in the front of the stage and then I moved back to meet up with the peeps once they showed up. If you want to experience the live show, simply put in The Organ CD and look at these pictures, because they stayed in the same place the whole show. Here are the pics.

That was The Organ.

Finally, The Arcade Fire took the stage. And I was blown away. They rocked my socks off with their sound and their variety of instruments. They had a wicked show, and every member of the band was involved. Their opening song, "Wake Up", was really awesome. I thought that they had a had a bit of a flaming lips kind of feel to them. It was thoroughly enjoyed. I didn't get any good pictures of them because I was so far back, but in the ones I got, you'll see one of the members of the band looks A LOT like Bobby Shrew. Just get really close and stare. You'll see.

After the show, we went to McDonald's. It was really funny cause Chris Lampier was fucking hammered. I don't think I'd ever seen him that drunk. After that, we headed to Dave McMichael's place to chill. I got home at 5 something. What a night.

On Saturday, Danielle came to see me before she went to work. That made me happy. I slept for most of the afternoon, and then headed over to the mall to meet Danielle for supper. Even though it was the only time I got to see her all of Saturday, I was really happy to go and see her.

After that, I caught the bus to shrews for a pre-drink and chill. It was fun. We got jimmied and shimmied and watched tv and argued about James Bond. Eventually, after I had finished 8 beer, we headed down to the show via Sean Casey. Gary Flannigan was awesome. Just awesome. He opened up his set pledging allegiance to the God of New Wave. Then the magic just flowed. Hahaha. He had everyone moving. It was nuts. I took a billion pictures, but I've only got a few to post.

Hopefully the Gary Flannigan dance party happens.

So, on Sunday, I hung out with Danielle all day. It was awesome. We hung out at her house, and napped. Then we went to see Alfie, which was a good movie. It was funny and smart, which makes for a good movie, but of course it was no original. Oh well, when is it ever. Then we went back to Danielle's to watch Boy Meets World. That show rules. It was definitely a good day.

On Monday, I went to school and started working on my Accounting assignment that was due later that week. I hung out with Danielle all evening, which was awesome. We hung out here, then went to the mall with my brother and his friend. This was at 7:00 or so, and they were planning on waiting there all night so that they could get Halo 2 first. I was planning on letting them wait there all night and meeting up with them at the front of the line so that I could get it first too. Suckers.
After we went to the mall to drop off those guys, Danielle and I hung out at her house. It was great. Around 11, I met up with my brother and waited for about an hour to get Halo 2.

Tuesday... Waiting was a good idea. We stayed up playing the game all night. I eventually pried myself away from the screen and went to bed around 4. Danielle came over in the morning, which was awesome. We hung out and then we went to get lunch and then she drove me to school. It was kick-ass. After school, she came over for a bit, then left to go see a movie with Alison (with one 'l'). Then I worked on my accounting assignment, played halo 2, and then worked on my accounting assignment some more. Danielle came by after the movie to hang out with me some more. It was clean. We stayed up on the phone until really late, which was also interesting. I had to get up for school at 6:15, but what ev's.

I went to school and then to work on Wednesday. It was ok, but I was really tired. Danielle came by near the end of the night to hang out with me. After all the closing was done, we swung by my house to get some stuff because I was going to stay the night at her place. Good times. Twice the fun as any other night.

On Thursday, Danielle and I went to the remembrance day thingy at Fish Hatchery Park. It was cold. Then we went to lunch at Swiss Chalet with her family. It was tasty. But it was in Sackville. I could tell cause the girl who was waiting on seemed to forget that there was an 'h' at the end of the word 'with'. Example: "You want fries wit your chicken?" It was really annoying.
After lunch we went back to Danielle's for a nap. It was a damn good. Then we went to see Ray. I was blown away. If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend it. I'm going again with Omar on Tuesday, at least I think so.

Yesterday, Danielle came over in the morning to hang out. We did just that, then went out to lunch. After she took off to school, I went to the bank then headed home. I played Halo until about 10-15 minutes AFTER Danielle came over. She was making fun of me and standing behind me for a while. It was pretty funny because she had to say that she was going to work for me to realize that it was her. Oh well, I had no clue what time it was, because she was supposed to call before she came over. That night, I went over to Chris's with Paul, Omar, and Mike D. We played video games all night and got jimmied on faxe. Uuugh. I mean... mmmm.

Today, I'm going to work. Which is why I'm wrapping this up right now. I'm hanging out with Danielle tonight it looks like. There you have your post.
Tony I

Song of the day : "Naive" - The Jealous Sound

Quote of the day : "You can't have more that one 'what ever'. What Ev's isn't a word." - Mike Noones to a hammered Chris Lampier.

Pic of the day : "It's SNOWING!!!!!"

Props: Danielle, Lloyd, Sean, Omar, Paul