Hey hey! It's been a few days since the last update, but whatever. First, the frizbee game was a bit of a flop, mainly because we lost 9-2. BUT i did score a point PLUS made some cool catches. The last couple of days have been just filled w/ going to school and the gym. But today was the best ever. I went to see "School Of Rock" starring JACK BLACK (coolest ever). It rocked my 'fucking socks off' (in his words, on the Tenacious D album) and was pretty good. Mind you, it was a FREE sneak preview, that was cool, but i'm pretty sure i'll go see it again. Then afterward, i headed up to steves where i found dave COMPLAINING about the taste of his faxe. He actually said "It's Disgusting" so i didn't even wanna think what it might have tasted like. Anyway, now i'm home listening to blink-182 and soon, i'll be asleep. Till next time, Go Fuck Yourself
Tony I