Friday, March 19, 2004

Oooops. I borrowed this stolen survey...

Name?: Tony I, Tony Important
Age?: 18
Location?: Bedford
Sex?: Male
Siblings?: 1 sister (youngest) , 2 Brothers (one older one younger)
Height?: 6"2' or so
Hair color?: Brown
Eye color?: Green/brown-ish mixture


Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
Whats his/her name?: Palmala Handerson
What's one word you could think of to describe them?: this is too funny
What's the best thing they've ever done for you?: I agree with Sean...that one's self explanatory
If you don't have a BP/gab, do you want one?: Obviously. Who wrote this? A drunk floor lamp?


five movie?: lemma see... Anything Kevin Smith, Pirates of the Caribbean, LOTR
Fav person you know?: Jimmy
Fav food and drink?: Peanuts and VC
Fav shirt you own?: My beer shirt.
Fav place you've been to?: Montreal!
Fav colors?: Blue, Green
Fav place to be?: Just Hammed.
Fav store?: LC, LS, Jimmy Store (they're all the same thing). Those and (hahaha)
Fav tv show?: Family Guy/Seinfield
Fav song?: Ask me this right before I die. I might know by then. I'm listening to blink right now though...


Pepsi or coke?: Coke, of the Vanilla persuasion
Chocolate or vanilla?: Damn you Sean, your answers are too good. VC, but chocolate everything else
Internet or phone?: Internet
McDonalds or Burger King?: McDonalds. BK is all about the Colon Blow
Make up or no make up?: How much are you willing to pay to see me with makeup on?
Cat or dog?: Nep Nep
Spanish or French?: Spanish.... I am borracho
Lights on or lights off?: Lights off. Unless they're on. You try and figure it out.
Hungry or full?: You know that feeling where you're just kinda hungry then you eat something and you're not hungry anymore? That.
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: Chocolate milk

---are you---

Suicidal?: No, but I'll pay you to kill me (HAHAHAHAHA)
Stubborn?: Yes, I dare you to try and tell me differently
Open-minded?: Yes
Arrogant?: I can be... but what can you expect with a name like Tony Important?
Patient?: sometimes
Hyper?: If I sleep, then yes.
Nice?: I like to think I'm mostly nice
Happy?: All the time
Depressed?: Only during a crisis/a shimurgency

---who do you want to---

Fuck?: You know that hot girl that goes to the place that we hang out with sometimes?
Kiss?: someone....
Hurt?: Travis cause he's so good
Beat the shit out of?: John Woo
Kill?: Bill
Hug?: Anyone with a prince albert. Sean is right again

---with the opposite sex---

Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?: Blue
Hair color?: doesn't really matter
Curly or straight?: who gives a fuck
Tall or short?: I don't give a shit
Pale, tan or in the middle?: tan or in the middle

---would you---

Shave your head for $1000?: No, but I'd probably wear the make up you want to see me in
Cheat on your bf/gf?: hells no
Eat a bug?: Hakuna Mattatta (I think that's how it's spelt)
Kill yourself?: Only if it helps the current situation
Cut yourself if you were depressed?: If I was Edward Scissor-Hands and I was scratching my head
Turn goth?: You can't label my essence
Dress up as the opposite sex and go out in public as a dare?: I dare you to try and not laugh when you see me next

---have you ever---

Masturbated?: Come on... no pun intended
Gone skinny dipping?: don't tell my mom. yes.
Had sex?: No, not at all. I may have written otherwise before, but it wasn't true. I'm sorry, I was trying to be cool. I'm just an ass. (Edit)
Seen the same movie more than 5 times?: Hell yeah.

---your friends---

Who do you rely on most and could trust with anything?: My main crew
Who's your best friend of the same sex?: I have many
Why?: Because
Who's your best friend of the opposite sex?: Steve Harris (whip noise) Umm, lets see... most of the girls I know are on the same plateau
Why?: Why not?
Funniest?: Dave K and Paul Faxe
Stupidest?: All of us. We're so dumb we had to invent another language
Nicest?: Why decide.
Best looking?: Steve Harris. He's just a well dressed guy
Craziest?: Omar. He once played a set in a bra

I guess that's my stolen work. Oh well.
GFY, Tony I

Song of the day : "Friends" - Bigwig. I forgot how cool this song is.

Quote of the day : "Don't show this to too many people. You might get rich." - Steph.

Props : Chuck. You're a hero today.

Happy Birthday to Jess!