Saturday, October 25, 2003

Hey. Last night at Pete Mac's was fun. We got there around 9:50, and that's when the fun started. I cracked open my quart of gin, and that was the end of me. As the night grew on, I became sloppier and sloppier. Heh heh. Good times. Andrew "Straight Edge" Cartmill was absolutely hammed along with most of the people there. I may have broken a glass, and I really don't remember much of the walk home, or the hilarious conversation that was taking place in the basement but it was WELL worth. I'm just glad people didn't have to follow the golden rule. I woke up this morning with a headache, but that vanished soon after I drank like 10 glasses of water. I'd say "Never again" but I liked being that smashed. I will have to do the gin thing again sometime.
Other than that, today was alright, except for the fact that I got fucking shafted and had to spend the night at home. I ended up watching "Identity" which was actually better that I expected for a thriller. I liked how fucked up the last quarter of the movie was the best. Oh well, I might latenight hang with Chuck and Paul, but that's still a little iffy. I guess I'll write more here later if it's necessary. I think I need to find better things to do on Saturday nights, cause I keep getting fucked for plans.
Nice Face, McFace.
Tony I

Quote of the day : "Instead of a bicycle built for two, what about no kinds of bicycles at all for anybody, anymore? There, are you happy now?" - Jack Handey

PS--> I kept the bottle as a trophy.
PPS--> Daylight savings kicks in soon! Extra Hour of Sleep! Booooyeah!