Well, it's time for another update people!!!
Yeah, I guess it's about time. Ok, so what do I start with here... Umm.. Well, I guess I'm sitting here watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip with Danielle. It's a pretty awesome show. But the show that I like better comes on before... HEROES. It's awesome. Anyway, I can see that my writing sucks while I'm sitting here watching TV. So, I guess I'll try and write something of value here. Ha, like that is possible.
Lemme see... I finished classes last week! I'm really glad that it's all over, because I was having some serious marathon days going on there. I finally finished my Airline project. It took a fuckload of time to finish. It turned out to be 74 pages long. I was up until 7am the day it was due working on it. And then, of course, there was Monday night where I was up until 6:30am doing another project. Weeeeeee, aren't I glad that's over. I've got one exam on the Thursday, and then I'm finished until January. I'm going to have a blast this break.
So, other than that, I've been working quite a bit, and it's going alright.
HOLY FUCK! What about the snow today? Wasn't it? It took Danielle 2 hours to get home after she dropped me off in town at 3:30. Yeah. Any other horror stories?
Obviously, I should get the the meat of this post.
Jeff's party was fucking crazy. There were shitloads of people there, and everybody was pretty hamped. I had a couple of faxe, and Chuck and Danielle were also reppin' the faxe revolution. TASTY. So yeah, hilarity ensued. Here are the pictures.
Chuck spent a section of the night DJ-ing using YouTube. That was pretty cool.
So then, the didgeridoo was busted out... Some people played it, others... with it.
So, umm... more pictures.
Then, Dan Rogers busted out some of his most classic dance moves...
Is it just me, or does everyone look slanted in this picture?
Oh yeah, it was Paul's B-day! He was nice and b-day drunk. Me too. But... It wasn't my birthday.
So yeah, that was Jeff's party.
Next week brings more birthday celebrations/maybe party action. We'll have to get around to that another time. I'm only working tomorrow, because I have to study and write an exam. Woop! Anyway, I'm going to watch the rest of this TV show. And that's about it.
Tony I
Quote of the day : "What would you do if you were out walking on the street, and some guy came running along naked and whacking off?" - Chuck? maybe? Mike D? Harris? I don't really remember.
Picture of the day, WHISKY DAN!!!:
ANNNND that's it.
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