Saturday, March 12, 2005


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Well, not much was accomplished today lemme tell ya what. It was cold and snowy all afternoon. That is, once I woke up. I guess I should maybe write something in here cause I have nothing else to do really. Danielle is out of town until *gasp* Thursday, so that sucks. I miss her, but I think I'll be ok. It's just already been 3 days without any kisses. And I like those. They're fun. I just can't have any till Thursday.

Last night was a hoot. After supper, Paul came over and we headed to the LC for some Jim-Jimminy. We ran into Mike D, and called Omar, and then it was decided that we head over to Harris's for a jim-fest. We got jimmied and listened to music and danced around and played music and video games. It was all kinds of fun. Danielle called, which was kick ass. We talked for a bit, but decided against talking for too long cause of the probable outrageous cost. We then decided to head to the Penny, which may or may not have been a good idea. When we got there, Mike and Chuck went through the door first. Then when it was Paul's turn, the guy found Paul's rum in his coat. He tried to tell the guy that he could throw it out or something, but the guy was a dick. So then he started yelling at him and what not, so I had to pull him away before he got killed. Eeeek. Harris and Omar were on their way back to Harris's place, and we then caught up to them. We decided to split our group in three, leaving Mike, Omar, and Chuck at the bar and then Harris, Paul, and myself to go to Harris's. We picked up some chips and then watched some ultimate fighting championship. Then there was some fighting. Then the other guys came back and there was a session. Then there was a MAD amount of Vicrum running around. I was scared. Peeps started passing out around 4, and then we were up again at about 9 to book. It was a pretty good night.

Today was SUPER lazy. I basically came home from Steve's and crashed for a few hours. Then, around 1-ish, I decided to watch LOTR: The Two Towers. I forgot to say I took pictures of all the stuff I did today, plus some of me with my haircut.

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Ok, so that was pointless. After the movie, I went to the LC for one of Tim's friends, and then I had supper and messed around on my computer. I got bored and took those pics, and now I'm just blogging to keep myself sane. Maybe I'll watch some special features from that movie... hmmm.

So, I guess I'm going to try and meet up with my management group tomorrow. It doesn't look like it's going to happen though. I'm kinda pissed really. We have to present on Wednesday, and we've yet to do ANYTHING. Fuck. Fuck! FUCK! Or, I could give it the FI. But that's not going to happen.

Now I'm listening to Lou Reed. I think tomorrow I'll listen to this...

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I'm planning to do it all in one sitting and read the book at the same time. It's going to be super fun.

I'm bored. I'm going to finish this now. Have fun everyone.
Tony I


Song of the day : "Andy's Chest" - Lou Reed


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