Monday, January 12, 2004

Look. I feel like a big ass for not updating more... BUT I'm finally getting back into the swing of things, so the site will be up and running on it's daily basis starting today... or what ever. The weekend was fun, we got jimmied, played a show, and had a generally sweet assed time. I had to read a tonne of shit today, but that's now outta the way. I"m feeling really really lazy, so I'm gonna stop writing now. Boo Yeah.
Tony I

Quote of the day : "Lobster Ranch, Lobster Special, $29.95, 1 Lb 3/4." - Me and Dave K. If you missed that one, it's too late for ya.

Song of the day : "I Fucking Hate the Eagles" - by me, cause I hate the eagles, those fuckers...

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