Monday, October 13, 2003

Well, It's Monday, and if it wasn't a holiday, I'd be in class right now. Sweet deal. My plans got a little fucked today due to some wild communication problems that developed over the last 12 hours. But oh well. I still went to see Kill Bill, only I went with Paul instead of Rocco and Chris Madore. It was just as good the second time through, and there was a lot more to be noticed. Plus we got in for Free cause my old boss was surprised to see me! HA! Victory was mine. There's still no definite plans for tonight, so ANYTHING could happen (much like last night where mine and Allison's vague plans somehow managed to collide). I wouldn't mind a good shim or something, but if it doesn't happen I wont be surprised. Well I guess I'm finished for now.
Smile, You're on candid camera...

Quote of the day : "... and the Nile is right next to the Mids.... (odd silence)" - Dave Langelle, slaughtering Jizzles joke last night

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