Sunday, October 12, 2003

Hello people. Turkey day came early this year, and it was good. Heh heh. I spent pretty much all day playing with my little cousin Nick, who is on his way back to Ottawa tomorrow. I'm gonna miss the little guy. Most of this weekend was filled with lego, toy food, childish antics and movies. Aaaah if only I was five again. lol. Anyway, on the plate for tonight, I might be hanging out with some people, or not. I might watch a movie, or not. Tomorrow is locked in as "Kill Bill Day" because I'm going to see it again with Rocco, and Chris. Woop Woop. I guess that's it for the night.
Tony I

Quote of the day : "If you ever reach total enlightenment while you're drinking a beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose. " - Jack Handy

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