Monday, March 09, 2009

Well FUCK,

It's been forever since I've updated this thing, but I don't really know why or what has really stopped my from doing this. I guess I just haven't really had the time lately to sit back and reflect and write about what's going on in my life. I'm kind of feeling like blurting this all out, so I'm going to just give a little update about the last month or so.

I guess I last left you all wondering what was up with me since I left for my dads (In my last post, I said that I had made it back safe and sound). Yeah, the trip was really really fun and relaxing, and I like to visit my dad (even though right now I'm kind of pissed at him. Another story though). We basically just sat around and escaped the busy life that we have (Danielle came too) here in Halifax. My sister brought her dog along, and that was kind of an endless source of entertainment because my dads dog and Brody just kept playing with each other. It was pretty cute. We also went up and saw Danielle's aunt and uncle, which was fun. I took a few photos so I can put those up (I don't really think that I have much else to through up here at this point, but I'll see once I get a look into my photos folder). It seems that there are a lot of dog pictures. Looking at the ones of Brody makes me sad though, because my mom took him to the groomer and they fucked up and essentially shaved his fur down pretty short. He looks like a fucking chihuahua.


My dad's rockin 52'












The last picture here is actually from the local news paper in Fredericton. My Dad and his friend had rivaling superbowl parties, so the paper did a little fluff piece on the two of them. They came and took pictures of us "enjoying a game", which was pretty fun.


Anyway, the worst part of the trip was when Danielle's car FROZE and wouldn't start. It was soooo fucking cold there that it just wouldn't go. So we had to fire up the block heater (first time ever using that) and delay the start of our trip home by about an hour. It wasn't very fun. I mentioned a problem with the car during the trip, but the freezing wasn't it. It was the fact the one of the headlights was blown out the day before we left, and I hadn't bothered to fix it just yet, but was planning to do it right before we left. On my way home from Omar's place, after recording all day and night (until about 2 am), I got pulled over in Bedford. Now I don't have the 'N' off of my license yet, so I was freaking out. But I just explained to the officer what my problem was, and he made a crack about the 'N' standing for night-time driver, and he just sent me on my way. It was a pretty close call. I had to laugh for a minute to myself on the way home about it.

Reflecting on February, it was a very busy month for me. There was a lot of snow, a lot of shifts at my retail job peddling video games, and a LOT of Street Fighter. Valentine's day was fun, Danielle and I went out for dinner and then curled up with a bottle of wine, which was nice. Oh yeah, on Oscar night I guess I pretty much was responsible for the evacuation of my friend's Chris and Jess's apartment building. WHOOPS.

In March, so far, it's been just as busy. I've had people over for the last two weekends, once was for a street fighter tourney, which was a lot of fun (I'm going to put the pictures up tonight or tomorrow). Other than that, the weeks have been packed with work and reading (I haven't played my PS3 in over a week, because I've been absorbing other media). I'm almost finished a novel by Stephen King (oh really? another one of those?) and I just polished off my refresher read of the Watchmen graphic novel. I read it years ago when I was younger, but I think I wasn't really able to grasp it for what it was back then. I'm glad I've gone through it again, because now I'm going to enjoy the movie that much more (unless it sucks, and I've not read any reviews about it yet).

That pretty much wraps it up for me today. I'm glad I got a minute to type all this in, even though it feels kind of cheap because the only reason I had time is because I slept in and now don't have time to do anything else today that I wanted. SHITTY DEAL. Oh well, at least my uncle is in town from Toronto, which I am very excited for. We hung out last night, and we're hoping to do the same again tonight.


Tony I