Tuesday, December 20, 2005


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I guess a month was quite a while to wait to post. Actually, it was more like a month and then some. I promise you that tonysays is not dead! Well... I've got the post for you, and you're going to enjoy it! I've got a lot of shit to cover, and I guess I better get started if I want to finish wrapping presents tonight.

So, what's new with me? Well, for one thing, I finished up at Golden Silkscreening today. I started there in April of this year (I also worked there last summer), so I guess it was about time to move on with things. Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that there wasn't actually any work for me to do after Christmas. Nothing at all (Hint: yes it did). SO THEN, where the hell will I be working? Well, if things go as planned, I'll be working at Statistics Canada. I had my interview on the 16th, and I think it went pretty good. I'll be doing interviewer work, meaning that I'll be calling people conducting surveys. It'll be clean. They're going to be working on a national campaign on education and children. I'm stoked... I really am. I hope I get the job.

Other than that, I've started to get my marks back from this first semester of schooooooooool. I got an A, A-, and B+ so far. That's pretty good. All I'm waiting on now is my mark from Finance, which will probably be a C-. Not good. But I know I didn't do that good. Oh well.

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed I missed MA$E open for 50 Cent. Grr. I love MA$E. Actually, I would have loved to have gone and laugh at him doing Mo' Money. Damn. Oh well, life sucks and then you die.

I love The Weakerthans. Specifically "Benediction" from Reconstruction Site. Fuck this song rules. Ok, back to the blog.

I'm LEAVING TOWN!!!!!!! AAAAUUUUGH! I'm FINALLY going up to NB to see my Dad! I'm so stoked. The plan was originally set for this weekend past, but my sister wanted to go later in the week (after her b-day), and some other stuff (Jeff's party) also got in the way. I'm excited cause this time we'll be up there for more than 12 hours. WooT. I'm very glad Danielle is driving up. It's making the whole thing uber easy. That's right, uber. I guess it's time to get down with some pictures. There is about 100 of them.

I'll start with Steve's eviction party, which was a blast. I know I said I'd put these up ages ago, but I got side-tracked. Or Lazy. You decide. Everyone showed up and got shitty and we started blasting music and throwing shit around. Eventually things got out of hand and the cops got called. Almost everyone booked off to the Palace, but I stuck around for a while and then headed out. It was a pretty good night. Pictures follow the period.

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Steve looks like some anime ninja or something here...

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The rest of those pics were just kind of fucked up or blurry so I'm leaving them out. It was a good night, and Steve will be missed. I can't wait for his return.

So, I guess next on the chopping block for things to post about is Chuck's B-Day bash at Omar's. It was a pretty awesome time. The whole crew was there again in full force, including Jeff. Chuck got SUPER shitty because he was basically chugging gin the WHOLE time (at least until he got sick, and then we had a bathroom party). There was some chillin all throughout Omar's house, with some TV in the living room, DJ action in Omar's room, and just chillin (and a little pukefest) upstairs. I think everyone had a pretty good time. I'd say it was a kick ass b-day bash!!!! PICTURESS!!!!

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That's that.

HOLY FUCK. I've been at this for an hour and a half. CAN'T STOP NOW!

So continuing on my charge through the past few weeks, I'm pausing to now to talk about some random photos I took of me walking the "golden tracks" by my (now ex-) workplace. I was just walking around feeling a little bored when I snapped these up. I have a bunch of them, but these are my favorites (plus the one at the top of the post).

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So that was random! SO IS THIS-> only in this day and age would someone come up with this. Enjoy!
Also, if any of you remember the old game "SkiFree", go here. It's pretty clean... I've been playing a lot of that instead of solitaire. I hate getting eaten. FUCK.

Danielle and I went to see King Kong on the 15th, and it was AWESOME! I loved it. Really, I did. I almost want to go and get PJ's production notes and DVD's, but I know I'll get the extended thingy when it comes out. I LOVE special features. Everyone should check that one out. Also, if you're into this sorta thing, the new Harry Potter movie was pretty sweet too. Of course this is coming from someone who has no interest in the books at all.

Finally, it's time to talk about Jeff's party! WHAT AN AWESOME NIGHT! The party was pretty bumpin, if I do say so myself. There were tonnes of people there, and many drinks to be had! I played some drums and some roxanne. Everyone was pretty jimmied, which was clean. Jeff's band played, which was pretty clean too. My favorite part of the night was when Chuck, Mike D, and I were playing DJ. I pretty much lost my voice screaming Cap'n Jazz lyrics. After that, Chuck and I were dancing around to Aphex Twin. We were busting very similar moves at points, which was hilarious. Then it turned into a couples dance party, which was also a blast. By the end of it all, I think the music was too loud and a very drunk Jeff came up(down?)stairs with pretty funny results. Here are the pics!

*NOTE* I fucked a bunch of these up while editing them and was too lazy to fix them. They're the really small ones. Live with it. I have to... Maybe.

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I wish this wasn't blurry, cause it rules.

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Danielle took this one! It's awesome! LOOK AT THE WATER!

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Here's Andrew's flip off spread...

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I'm sure this was even funnier at the time...

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Again, I wish this wasn't blurry.

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I had a kick ass time. Thanks to Jeff for hosting that kick ass partyyyyyyyy.

Well, I guess that's it for my post. I didn't think I'd get around to this before I left, but I felt obliged to get this up, regardless of how big it is. Ha, that's funny... I think your mom said the same thing last night. BOOYEAH. I'm not sorry about that at all. So, I guess I'll see you all sometime over the next few weeks, and there will have to be some crazy action on New Year's. I'm thinking getting hamper-tampered. Ok, that made sense to me anyway. My friend Phil will be back in town again so let's show him a good time. WOOOP! Alright, I'm tired and I still have to wrap presents and pack, so it's time to get off. Hope you enjoyed the pics and have a good time everyone!

Song of the Day : "World Upon Your Shoulders" - Silverchair, from Diorama (They're working on a new album!)

Quote of the day: "Take a picture of this guy, he's been eggin' me on all day. He's been sayin' 'Hey Chuck, drink me and get drunk!'" - Chuck, referring to the guy on the Beefeater bottle.

Pic of the day, titled "The final reach" (Jeff Passed out during volume control):
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