Saturday, September 25, 2004

And, I'm bored of researching.

Your LJ Prison by redfrog021
Favorite Deadly Sin
You are convicted ofYou Have a Mullet; FASHION FELONY!!!!
And sentenced to5 years
Abusive redneck guardhighwiremoves
Easy to bribe guardstigmatic_goth
Wants to make you their bitchdarkstarmasonry
Drops soap in the shower on purposestigmatic_goth
Works in the laundry and smells people's undiesviva_drag
Comes to see you for 'conjugal visits'frontlinerocker
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Stripper Info by radioface
first name
Stripper Name:Skipper
Specialty:climbing the pole
Customers say:"Can i pretend yer my gf?"
Quiz created with MemeGen!


Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice:Hammer
Your Favorite Target:Hospital workers
Your Kill Count:1,055,172,936
Your Battle Cry:"Who put the bomp in the bomp-a-bomp-a-bomp?"
Years You Spend in Jail:26
How Much Money In Damages You Cause:$166,617,156,704,362
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 42%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Which Band Should You Be In?
by couplandesque
Your Name
Band NameWeezer
TrademarkExtreme Sassiness
Love InterestGuy Who Works At Wal-Mart
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What Are You Most Likely to Utter During Sex
by UMAJohnnie
Most Likely to Say"I'm covered in BEES!"
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Life as a movie... by tony_importance
Favorite Temperature
Genre of MoviePorno
Your roleZombie Number 3
You get payed$1,247,945
You will recieveA mitten
Your mother isIn bed with the dog
Quiz created with MemeGen!

That's all for now.

Monday, September 20, 2004


It's been a little over two weeks since I legitimately updated. So I bring you the Tony Says Special Edition Double Post...

I guess I'll start from the best reference point I have, which is a Saturday that took place not too long ago.

It all started when I went out to meet Danielle for supper that night. We ate at Mike's Restaurant with her brother Christophe, which was a blast. After much iced tea was spit around and many utterances of the word "Penis", I dropped Danielle back off at work and headed to the bank to do some banking. This is when I received a phone call from one Paul "Yeahman Records" Faxe. He informed me of the Hotel situation, which was that he had access to a room at the Sheraton for the night. What a great idea that was. I waited for Danielle to finish up at work and then we headed into Halifax after picking up Omar and our good but oh-so-foolish friend jimmy. Smirk. We got there, drank, and watched the hockey game. Danielle took Mike D home around 11:30, and then things sort of get blurry. Pants were off and ironed at one point. Shimmy? Yes. Yelling out of the window? Yes. Chuck took a shower and ran into the hall wearing a towel? Yes. Do I have pictures? Yes. Can you see them? That depends... but most likely yes...

SO that was a fun night. I got home at some point on Sunday morning and slept it off.

Speaking of Sunday, Danielle came over and lazed around with me. It was a fun afternoon. We rented Better Luck Tomorrow that night and watched it at her place. It was a good day.

Monday wasn't so fun. I had to get up at 6:45AM to go to school. I don't really mind my classes on Monday and Wednesday, it's just that they're so FUCKING early. Oh well, I was done my day at 12:45. So I headed home thinking I'd rest up a bit before work. WRONG! Although my moron ass thought I was working at five, I soon discovered that I had to work at 1:30. I got home at 2:30. My boss (Lloyd) called me and asked when I was coming. I ran. I got to work at about 2:45 or so. Lloyd said he wasn't too worried about it, and he even payed me for the hour I didn't work. Sweet. Danielle visited me for a bit, which was really nice. She also came to get me after I was done so we could hang out. Unfortunately, I didn't get a correct key and I had to get Danielle to come in and lock the door. I'm so freakin cool, but not nearly as much as she is.

Tuesday was filled with sleeping in and then heading to one class. Which got cut short. Wow, I just love fire alarms. I ended up skipping my last class thinking that it was probably just going to get alarmed out anyway. I got a call from Sean and then got picked up by Omar. I joined the company of Omar, Sean, and Josh for an adventure to Darrell's restaurant (I think?) where I got a Caesar salad. Mm. Then we headed into Bedford and picked up Danielle. We drove to Cole Harbour and dropped Josh off, then we headed to this path that lead to a field that Sean so kindly directed us to. It was really nice. I want to go there and take some photos before it gets turned into a subdivision or something like that. We shammied, and then decided that we were going to Bobby's place to watch the Honkey (purposely put) game. We dropped Danielle off first, and then headed in. We stopped at Beaubasin on the way. That place is very eerie during daylight/sunset. I took some pictures...

Once we got into Halifax, we went on a walk so that people could get jimmy. On our trek, we discovered a Faxe can holding a window open at Casa de Dave K. Pic follows...

The game went well. Canada won. Hurray.

On Wednesday, I had more early classes and more showing up late for work. HUH. and Getting payed for it. HUH. Danielle brought me supper. It was damn good. My girlfriend is really, really great. We hung out after work. It was fun. I wish I could have stayed longer though.

Thursday consisted of more school and hanging out with Danielle. We rented "Girl Next Door" and chilled at her house. It was a really great night. :)

Friday rolled around, and Paul and I jammed in the afternoon. Danielle came to see me after she was finished school before she went to work. It was pretty sucky that she had to work though. I ended up going over to Paul's to play video games and watch Transformers. Cleeeean. I left around 9:30 and then Danielle picked me up. We drove to her house while listening to The Sahara Hot Nights. They're pretty cool. When we got to her place, we watched "Mayor of the Sunset Strip" which was pretty cool. I was feeling weird at random points during the evening, I'm still not sure why. After Danielle dropped me off, I was pretty much ready to hit the hay when Paul called and told me to go down and meet him, Chuck and Mike D at Brewsters. I headed down after finishing some herbal tea and talking on the phone with Danielle. After we left Brewsters, we had something along the lines of a 4 hour debate/discussion that carried on until 5:15 or something. Pretty outrageous.

I hung out with Danielle on Saturday afternoon, which was really great. We got lunch, and then hung out and napped in my basement. I love napping. Especially with Danielle with me. It's so comfortable. Danielle went to work around Five or so. I had some Burgs cooked on the George Foreman, and then ended up going out with Sean, despite the torrential rain. We shammed a bit then we listened to Music. Then met up with Omar and Chuck and shammed some more. More music. Then we picked up Bobby and Jess and headed to Shrews in Hell-City. We shammed more while more got jimmied. Lot's of video games, Chris Farley, and Baseketball. Good night. Fun was had by all. I took pictures...

Good times.

Sunday was super awesome. Well, after I got back from doing a project at SMU for management anyway. Danielle and I hung out at my house for a while and then headed out for supper. After supper, we were on our way over to Chapters when I saw a guy trying to get a car onto a flatbed. I saw that this was no job for one guy, so I offered my help. Eventually, with some extra help from Danielle, we got the car onto the flatbed. I was glad to help the guy out. After our post assistance journey to Chapters, Danielle and I headed to watch a movie. We saw Mr. 3000, which wasn't very good. It was free though, so I don't give a shit. We headed back to Danielle's afterward and hung out until I had to leave. What a great day. I love that girl.

Today was good and bad in various ways. I missed my first class cause the bus was fucking late. Bad. I got to read a whole lot. Good. I had to work right after school. Bad. Danielle came to visit me. Awesome. I got to torture people by playing the new Green Day album and then laughingly turning them down when they asked to buy the CD. (It doesn't come out until Tuesday) Good.
Only one thing really fucked my day up. It all started when this woman decided to come up to me and ask where the Nickelback CD's were. I didn't mind helping her retarded ass, that is, until the questions started... First, she asked me if the CD I showed her had all the "good songs" on it. I bit my lip and held back a slew of heart crushing insults and simply said that I really didn't know much about the band. So, I opened the anti-theft casing so that the moron could see the song listings. She then decided that she didn't want the CD and handed back to me for re shelving. Not usually an issue. But then she said something that brought bile up to the back of my throat. "They should really release a Greatest Hits." I should have just puked right then and there, all over her. I wasn't too happy, but I can't say I want the stupid whore to die or anything. That's not nice. I just hope she goes deaf. Right now.
Other than that fiasco, I hung out with Danielle after work. It was great. I can't wait for tomorrow when she comes to visit me on her free before I go to school.
Ok, it's 2:30 am. I'm done with this for the night. I hope you enjoyed the post. I know I did.
Go Feel Yourself,
Tony I

Quote of the day : "I couldn't believe it worked... I felt like McGyver or some shit." - Cory from work, speaking on his radio fixing skills.

Song of the day : "Yes, I Am Talking to You" - Cap'n Jazz

Props : Danielle, Sean, Chris, Paul

Pic of the day titled: "Things That have to Happen to Pete so that Kristian can Give Him $7"

PS-> I filled this out after I was done...
x. Slept in your bed: Other than me? Danielle.
x. Saw you cry: Nobody... i think?
x. Made you cry: Nobody
x. You spent the night with: Danielle
x. You shared a drink with: Probably Omar
x. You went to the movies with: Danielle. Saw Mr. 3000. I'd say more like Mr. 1 and a half... STARS THAT IS! ZING.
x. You went to the mall with: I walked into the mall today with Janitor Dickface...
x. Yelled at you: My brother, jokingly
x. Sent you an email: Tonya from my MGT group. She spelt my name like 'Anthoney'. Not too bright.
x. You kissed: Danielle. It was damn good too.

x. Said "I love you" and meant it: Oh yeah.
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: Yes. I put the little fucker in the garbage disposal. But not really. I like the little bastard.
x. Been to New York: no. I'm going right now.
x. Florida: no
x. California: no. I want to see the governator in action though
x. Hawaii: No.
x. Mexico: No.
x. China: No.
x. Canada: I think?
x. Danced naked: ... no....
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: It used to happen a lot when I was a kid.
x. Wish you were the opposite sex: Maybe once before.
x. Had an imaginary friend: Yes. But he's real I swear. You just can't see him watching you sleep.
x. Fought with your parents: Yeah.

x. Things you like in a boy/ girl: 'not ticklish' HA.
x. What book are you reading now: The Black House By Steven King
x. Worst feeling in the world: You know that feeling you get when you die? That one.
x. What is the first thing you think when you wake up: "FUCK! AGAIN!?!?" ... not really, I usually curse my alarm clock.
x. Future daughter's name: Jimmy
x. Future son's name: Jimmy

x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no
x. What's under your bed: posters
x. Current Age: 19
x. Siblings: Patrick, Tim, Jessica
x. Location: Bedford.
x. Piercings/tattoos: Nothing.
x. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Danielle.

x. Do you do drugs: recreationally
x. Do you drink: yes
x. Who are your best friends: Everone I hang out with on a regular basis. Names not required.
x. What are you most scared of: Emo kids.
x. What clothes do you sleep in: My boxaz
x. Where do you want to get married: A church, maybe the moon.
x. Who do you really hate: Nickelback
x. Been in love: Yes. I am right now.
x. Do you have a job: CD Plus.
x. Do you like being around people: Most of the time
x. Are you for world peace: Call me David Schwimmer. (*in passive voice* "Heyyyy...")
x. Are you a health freak: not really

x. Room in house: In the Garage.... aaaap aaaaap
x. Food(s): Ceasar Salad.
x. Perfume or cologne: No.
x. Month: August
x. Day: Saturday

x. Cried: No.
x. Bought something: A muffin.
x. Gotten sick: No, suprisingly
x. Sang: Yes, only in harms tho.
x. Said "I Love You": Yes.
x. Met someone new: Nope.
x. Talked to someone: yes
x. Missed someone: right now.
x. Hugged someone: Yes.
x. Kissed someone: Yes.

Friday, September 10, 2004

It's Friday at noon. I am bored.

You are Dr. Nick Riviera - on

That is all
Tony I...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

OK, So I've been neglecting this little site for a while. So to reprimand my crimes, I will now provide you all with an ample update. AMPLE mind you.

I'm too lazy to type about anything that happened between my last serious entry and my half assed ones from this week. However, I will provide an update that covers the last week or so. So, now, where do I begin???

How about Monday of last week? That should be a proper starting point for my blogtastic blogging. Let me see. I decided that I should go into SMU and straighten out my situation with registration/my student loan, or my odd lacking of both. This was quite the stressful day, but none the less, I got on the ball and started working things out amongst myself and my dad, who completely saved my ass. Not too bad if you ask me. I hung out with Danielle that night, which was really good.

On Tuesday, I hung out with Danielle before she had to go to work. It was really awesome as usual. I've never felt this good about anything ever. She makes me so happy it's inexplicable. In the afternoon, I re-recorded a song I had started the night before. I layed the drum track down with the help of a metronome and then threw some guitars down. I've yet to record the bass and vox, because my brother had to return the mic to it's rightful owner. This really sucks, because it was a really good mic. Damn Holmes. In the evening, I headed out to Cole Harbor with the guys to hang out with Sean Casey. We shammered at the Beach, then headed into Bedford to hit up Beaubasin, this time with Chuck along in the already full car. It was pretty fun. I got home around 1 or 2 or 3 then headed to bed. Cool!

On Wednesday, I went shopping with Danielle. I got a few new shirts and some jeans. It was a fun time. We then headed to Golden to grab up my last paycheck and then headed back to Danielle's for supper. We then rented "Taking Lives" which was pretty good. The ending was a little fucked up, but it worked out to be ok. I don't see why people were ranting though. Well... that's just my opinion anyway. See it if you have to see "what everyone is talking about". It was a really good day.

Thursday was strange. It was strange mostly because my house was empty when I work up because everyone had gone to school. I headed out to SMU again to straighten MORE shit out, but I ended up getting the run-around SUPREME and found out that I had to return expressly on Friday morning. I came home and hung out with Danielle for a while, which was really great. Then I headed to work, which was ok. I ended up buying the Transfomers first season on DVD. I'm almost halfway through it though. It's damn good. I hung out with Danielle for a short period of time afterward, and got removed around 10:30. Not cool. I would have stayed all night. I ended up going over to Pauldo's place to watch "Passion of the Jew" which was fucking hilarious. Well, most of it was. Except for the stupid Mel Gibson stuff that they did. It was a fun night.

On Friday, I went into SMU for the 5th day in a row and got all of my crap cleared up. I was relieved at the least to have that done. I then headed to the Student Loan office and had to wait an HOUR just to hand in a piece of paper. I'm all taken care of now, which makes me really happy and not stressed. I headed home and hung out with Danielle for a while. We took a really good nap. Mmmm. I love falling asleep with her next to me. It's really good. I then had to go to work, which was alright. I suppose. Then, I hung out with Danielle afterward. I've really never been this happy before. I probably already said that. Meh. I love that girl.

Saturday was pretty good. Danielle came over and woke me up for about ten min by climbing into my bed. We slept till 12 or so and hung out for a while. Then she left for work again. Damn. I lazed around for the rest of the afternoon, until Corey from work called me and asked me to go in and work for him because his band had a show. I was happy to oblige because I didn't mind going into work and hanging out with Danielle. Oh, AND I got PAID to hang out with her. I love my job. Her mom brought us supper, which was really good. Here are some pics from the evening...

I left around 8:15 when Paul came to get me. I headed to the jimmy store to get some jimmy and then to shoppers for some Sir Mix-A-lot. Or just pop. Which ever you prefer. Then Paul and I picked up Omar, Mike, and Chuck and headed into Halifax to Bobby's new place. We got jimmied and watched G.I. Joe the movie. It was a pretty good time. Things get fuzzy after around 1 or so, but I remember getting home really late and calling Danielle. Was I really jimmied? Yes. Are there pictures? Yes.

At one point, Mike D made "The Face" for at least 10 minutes straight. The last one was when we tried to make it really outrageous. I don't know why. Or maybe I just don't remember...

That was a fun night.

Sunday was really good. Danielle called and woke me up around 11 or so. I'm not really sure, but I do remember showering, eating, and dressing all in a half asleep state of mind. We went to her cottage avec her brother and cousin. When we got there, I HAD to sleep some more. I eventually woke up and felt much better. I was probably being an ass at some point, but that's probably not a bad thing. Ha. We had some lunch and then I played guitar/piano for a while. I went to church and then to DQ, but alas, my brother wasn't there to heckle, because he was at a football game. Meh. Danielle and I then went to see Hero. It was really cool and also sorta fucked up. The way the fighting was shot was pretty cool, and any movie staring the "Digital Jackie Chan" (as I've dubbed Jet Lee) is fine by me. The only weird thing was that we didn't get in for free. Oh wells. Danielle came over for about 10 min after the movie and then had to go home. It was a good night none-the-less.

Finally, I bring you Today. Since it was Labour Day, Danielle and I couldn't really think of much to do. We went to lunch and then headed to her house. Once we couldn't think of anything to do there, we headed back to my house and were forced to listen to my brothers band. And whilst listening to my brothers band, Danielle was subject to my sister and I mocking said band. It was pretty funny. Eventually they left, and Danielle and I just lazed around in the basement. She left after 5:30 and I had supper/drummed. Then we rented Better Luck Tomorrow, because Danielle hadn't seen it. It's a good picture. I can't get enough of it. Han LOVES the cig. I got home around 10:45 and then watched 3 episodes of Transformers. It's SO clean. The last episode I watched was the one where they first introduce the Dinobots. Cleeeeeeeean. I forgot to mention that I ordered Season 2 part one, Season 2 part 2, Season 3 part 1, Season 3 part 2/Season 4, AND the movie all in from work. I must say, I'm stoked.
So, I guess I'm finished blogging now. Which is good cause I'm almost out of Strokes songs to listen to.
Tony I

Song of the day : "Prototype" - Outkast

Quote of the day : "I'll call him Mr. Anthony" - Danielle's uncle over the phone. Funny story.

Props : Danielle, Omar, Pauldo, Sean (for the Butta!)

Pic of the day titled: "Broadcast Energy Transmitter... OR B.E.T??????" (please note the "B.E.T" on the metal object)