Monday, March 29, 2004

Hey world! I have been posting on my site for a while! I'm kinda sorry, but not really. Let's see, what has happened since I last posted.... Oh! On Wednesday, I used my extra $10 (see last post) to buy liquor and then get hammed with Chris, J-Mac, and Buckwild. After getting hammed, we went to class. It was pretty funny. You shoulda been there. Thursday.... I don't think I did much but do an assignment, and then went to a failed house meeting. Meh. On Friday, we played battle of the bands. We didn't win anything, but I still had fun. I was really pissed at the sound guy though. I didn't mean to be so pissed off, it's just that I was very drunk. Meh. Anyway, on Saturday, Mike and myself went to a phone call meeting and got started booking plans for the business. It's going very well. CLEEEEAN! On Saturday night, we got shim-shammed at Omar's and watched Fear and Loathing. Clean. Then we did pretty much the same thing (less fear and loathing) last night. Tonight, I'm doing homework, and I showed a plan tonight, and it looks like I'm going quickstarter this week. I'm kinda busy, so I'm gonna go now. I just updated so people who keep checking this shit will have something to look at. BESIDES THEIR UGLY FACES!!! Ah hahaha! I'm so funny.
Tony Important/Tony Impatient/Tony Implosion

Quote of the day: "It makes perfect sense why Corey is Chris Hattie's friend." - Omar

Song of the day: "Sell-Out" - Big Wig

Props: The business plan.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Well, if you haven't heard, read, or somehow knew about The Mackoids playing the SMU Battle of the bands, I give you.... THE INFORMATION!


Other then that, I found $10 on the ground on my way home today. I love undeclared income.
The weekend was fun. I went to see a few moives last night. I'm to lazy to type. My brother is gay and he thinks his band is SO cool cause they're headlining rootbeer fest. So cool in fact, that i guess he is allowed to make fun of other bands, which isn't really nice. I fixed him though.
That's all for today.
Tony I

Quote of the day : "My phone don't work!" - Some white-thug on the bus. Some of you may find this quote funnier than other people might

Song of the day : "Crab" - Weezer

Props : The Ground, for holding on to that $10 till i found it.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Oooops. I borrowed this stolen survey...

Name?: Tony I, Tony Important
Age?: 18
Location?: Bedford
Sex?: Male
Siblings?: 1 sister (youngest) , 2 Brothers (one older one younger)
Height?: 6"2' or so
Hair color?: Brown
Eye color?: Green/brown-ish mixture


Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
Whats his/her name?: Palmala Handerson
What's one word you could think of to describe them?: this is too funny
What's the best thing they've ever done for you?: I agree with Sean...that one's self explanatory
If you don't have a BP/gab, do you want one?: Obviously. Who wrote this? A drunk floor lamp?


five movie?: lemma see... Anything Kevin Smith, Pirates of the Caribbean, LOTR
Fav person you know?: Jimmy
Fav food and drink?: Peanuts and VC
Fav shirt you own?: My beer shirt.
Fav place you've been to?: Montreal!
Fav colors?: Blue, Green
Fav place to be?: Just Hammed.
Fav store?: LC, LS, Jimmy Store (they're all the same thing). Those and (hahaha)
Fav tv show?: Family Guy/Seinfield
Fav song?: Ask me this right before I die. I might know by then. I'm listening to blink right now though...


Pepsi or coke?: Coke, of the Vanilla persuasion
Chocolate or vanilla?: Damn you Sean, your answers are too good. VC, but chocolate everything else
Internet or phone?: Internet
McDonalds or Burger King?: McDonalds. BK is all about the Colon Blow
Make up or no make up?: How much are you willing to pay to see me with makeup on?
Cat or dog?: Nep Nep
Spanish or French?: Spanish.... I am borracho
Lights on or lights off?: Lights off. Unless they're on. You try and figure it out.
Hungry or full?: You know that feeling where you're just kinda hungry then you eat something and you're not hungry anymore? That.
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: Chocolate milk

---are you---

Suicidal?: No, but I'll pay you to kill me (HAHAHAHAHA)
Stubborn?: Yes, I dare you to try and tell me differently
Open-minded?: Yes
Arrogant?: I can be... but what can you expect with a name like Tony Important?
Patient?: sometimes
Hyper?: If I sleep, then yes.
Nice?: I like to think I'm mostly nice
Happy?: All the time
Depressed?: Only during a crisis/a shimurgency

---who do you want to---

Fuck?: You know that hot girl that goes to the place that we hang out with sometimes?
Kiss?: someone....
Hurt?: Travis cause he's so good
Beat the shit out of?: John Woo
Kill?: Bill
Hug?: Anyone with a prince albert. Sean is right again

---with the opposite sex---

Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?: Blue
Hair color?: doesn't really matter
Curly or straight?: who gives a fuck
Tall or short?: I don't give a shit
Pale, tan or in the middle?: tan or in the middle

---would you---

Shave your head for $1000?: No, but I'd probably wear the make up you want to see me in
Cheat on your bf/gf?: hells no
Eat a bug?: Hakuna Mattatta (I think that's how it's spelt)
Kill yourself?: Only if it helps the current situation
Cut yourself if you were depressed?: If I was Edward Scissor-Hands and I was scratching my head
Turn goth?: You can't label my essence
Dress up as the opposite sex and go out in public as a dare?: I dare you to try and not laugh when you see me next

---have you ever---

Masturbated?: Come on... no pun intended
Gone skinny dipping?: don't tell my mom. yes.
Had sex?: No, not at all. I may have written otherwise before, but it wasn't true. I'm sorry, I was trying to be cool. I'm just an ass. (Edit)
Seen the same movie more than 5 times?: Hell yeah.

---your friends---

Who do you rely on most and could trust with anything?: My main crew
Who's your best friend of the same sex?: I have many
Why?: Because
Who's your best friend of the opposite sex?: Steve Harris (whip noise) Umm, lets see... most of the girls I know are on the same plateau
Why?: Why not?
Funniest?: Dave K and Paul Faxe
Stupidest?: All of us. We're so dumb we had to invent another language
Nicest?: Why decide.
Best looking?: Steve Harris. He's just a well dressed guy
Craziest?: Omar. He once played a set in a bra

I guess that's my stolen work. Oh well.
GFY, Tony I

Song of the day : "Friends" - Bigwig. I forgot how cool this song is.

Quote of the day : "Don't show this to too many people. You might get rich." - Steph.

Props : Chuck. You're a hero today.

Happy Birthday to Jess!

Monday, March 15, 2004

Well today was alright, but as usual on this particular date I had a lingering over my head. What you ask? Well, today would have been my grandmothers birthday had she still been alive. I just couldn't help but think about how much she really cared for the whole family, as well as just about everyone else. That's just about all I have to say about that.
Other than that, school was fine. I actually went to a business lecture, and to math class. COOL! We have a test on Wednesday, and I'm kinda ready. I just have a bit of studying to do. I love derivatives. LOVE EM! Work was gay. I'm pretty sure they're trying to fire me, but it's not gonna happen. HAHAHAHA! I'm really tired so I'm going to stop now.
Tony I

Song of the day : "Smile" - Bigwig. I love this song

Quote of the day : "Roll up the SHIM to win!" - Paul Fox

Props : Vickie from work. SUDS!

Sunday, March 14, 2004

So, what does one do at 2 am when they can't sleep and are feeling slightly odd....

1. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Coveyduc
2. Last word you said: HUH!
3. Last song you sang: "Roses" by Outkast. It's in my MD player and I was belting it out on the way to mikes...
4. Last person you hugged: Harris. I think..
5. Last thing you laughed at: Paul doing an amazing impression of his dad
6. Last time you said 'I love you': I don't know...
7. Last time you cried: Not sure really. I laughed so hard on Friday night I was in tears. Chuck knows. So does Paul.


8. What's in your CD player: I don't have a CD player. Outkast in the MD
9. What color socks are you wearing: white
10. What's under your bed: Dust, a shoebox of notes from various people, various articles of memorabilia from my life
11. What time did you wake up today: 12:51
12. Current food: Air sandwich
13. Current hair: shaggy, my burns are losing control
14. Current clothes: Hoodie, pj pants
15. Current annoyance: the fact that I can't sleep
16. Current longing: wow, this sounds gay... find someone that's not a guy that I connect with... even in a romantic sense
17. Current computer wallpaper: Greenday
18. Current worry: School
19. Current hate: See Current Worry
20. Current favorite article of clothing: My several pairs of wool socks.
21. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Hmm. See song 6. If you have no idea to what I'm making a reference to, you're not cool
22. Last CD that you bought: Yellowcard
23. Favorite place to be: On stage, with my peeps. Or just with the peeps.
24. Least favorite place: 8:00 am
25. Time you wake up in the morning: 9:30
26. If you could play an instrument, what would it be: I could be much better at guitar
27. Favorite color: blue
28. Do you believe in an afterlife: Yes
29. How tall are you: 6"2'
30. Current favorite word/saying: Huh!, What's the deal, and Yeahman/yeahjarge
31. Favorite book: The Black House by Stephen King. I almost shit myself when I read it
32. Favorite season: Right Between Spring and Summer. I like to call it Spummer.
33. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Gandhi
34. Favorite day: Thursday


35. Where do you want to go: Double Diamond, On tour.
36. What is your career going to be like: I'm not sure. Depends on how fast this business grows
37. How many kids do you want: 2-3. if three, 2 boys, one girl (older than the other two)
38. What kind of car will you have: BMW Z3 roadster. Blue, Black leather interior
39. Type a line you remember from any book: "Have you considered the amazing possibilities of down?" from one of the Hitchhiker books
40. A random lyric: Every thing will change
41. Identify some things surrounding your computer: CD's, Mail, Speakers, Jack Handy Books
42. What's up: depends on who's asking

Have you...

43. Said "I love you" and meant it?: yes
44. Been to Florida?: no, but I'll be there next winter break
45. Hawaii?: Maybe the year after
46. Mexico?: Sometime in my life
47. Danced naked?: not sure. ask your mom
48. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: It's happened a few times
49. Had an imaginary friend?: no I had my brothers to beat up on
50. Do you have a crush on someone?: Yes
51. Worst feeling in the world: You know the feeling when you wake up and you're still alive? That one... Just kidding. It's when I realize that I'm not a billionare yet.
52. What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: Must find shower
53. How many rings before you answer?: Cell: after I sing for a bit. Home Phone: Let the lessers answer it
54. Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?: Right handed. but sometimes a joe fakie
56. Favorite sport to watch?: Poker
57. Siblings: 3
58. Piercings: Prince Albert. If you don't know, ask your mom.
59. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no


60. Do you do drugs?: sure
61. Do you drink: My friends and I do it enough to have made up another word for it
63. What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?: Pert Plus
64. What are you most scared of?: Very sharp knives.
65. What clothes do you sleep in?: boxers
67. Who is the last person who called you?: Mike D
68. Where do you want to get married?: The Moon. If not the moon, on the ocean... or even in the ocean
69. If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?: I wish I could be a little bit taller... hahaha (bad reference again)
70. Been In Love?: I once thought
71. Do You Like Being Around People: All the time. Now FUCK OFF
72. Best feeling in the world: relief


73. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: who knows
74. Want Something You Don't Have Right Now: see #16
75. Are You Lonely Right Now: kinda
76. Do You Want To Get Married: "Fuck, I just want a wife and kids" (another bad bad reference) and sure, sometime.


77. Cried: no
78. Bought Something: shim
79. Gotten Sick: nopers
80. Sang: all the time
81. Said I Love You: no
82. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: maybe, but probably not
83. Met Someone New: Oh yeah, all up in that at the seminar
85. Missed Someone: not really. now that you mention it though...
86. Hugged Someone: I think....
87. Kissed Someone: no...
88. Fought With Your Parents: yeah.

Thanks to shrew.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Even though I posted on Sunday, I didn't really recap what happened on the weekend. Well, here it comes. Friday was nuts. Omar had peeps over and everyone got at least a little fucked. It was very very fun. Me and Omar were singing harms in his garage for like and hour and a half. I guess Bobby Shrew passed out at some point and Andrew Hattie (his cousin, who actually has the last name Fraser) drew "NDP" as well as other things all over him. I didn't see it, but I assume bobby was pretty pissed. On Saturday, I met up with the guys to get started on "The Plan" and such. After we got some eats, we ran into Omar and then went to his place for a route and various other sober activities. It was a lot of fun. What I found really funny was that instead of drinking we talked about drinking the whole night. Like we told some HILARIOUS stories and revisited Grahamfest in our minds. Aaaah. It was a good time. On Sunday, I worked and then me and Paul went to Omars to jam. It was fuckin awesome. That's right, I said Fucking. So that's the weekend for ya. But what happened on Monday? Well, I gave my classes the FI for the whole day, and then went to see "Starsky and Hutch" with Paul, Sean, and Josh. It was pretty good considering it was a Ben Stiller movie and it wasn't "There's Something About Mary". It was a very enjoyable experience. Booooyaka. My bass lessons today were clean. Just in case you wanted to know. I guess I'm going to the band concert with Pete Mac and Brennan, then we're going to try and convince Beeler to come and play some pool and possibly drink with us at Brewsters. I'll update you all on that one later.
Today in my english class, we were talking about how our society is SO wasteful. For instance, my computer, when it is obsolete will probably be thrown away. Or my empty bottles of aspirin, or my video tapes and so on. If we were to think about the "after value" some of the shit we just toss away has, we might be in a better place. Weird eh? Anyway, we also talked about eating babies. But you'll have to ask me about that one cause I'm not going to talk about it on here because I'm too lazy. I guess that's it for my massive post.
Tony I

Quote of the day: "Orange Soda Pop" - The can of orange soda pop that's on my desk

Song of the day: "Elementary" - Rocking Horse Winner

Props: The WHOLE WORLD! (I'm so generous)

Sunday, March 07, 2004

I feel like such a copy-cat. These are the funniest ones i came up with

Tony and Lady Liquor
  • Trying to adopt one Elven child.
  • Can't wait to skinnydip at the most inconvenient times.
  • Share a deep puddle of secrets.
Orchestrated by ianiceboy

Disregard the first point. It's clearly ment to be...

Tony and The Strokes
  • Doing their best to have all evil children.
  • Wish to listen to music together, except after meals, and after MacGyver.
  • Make beautiful music together.
Orchestrated by ianiceboy

Thursday, March 04, 2004

So. It's 12:00am on Friday, and I'm here at home. I could be at SMU tonight partying, and I surely would more than love to be there, BUT I'm way too tired tonight. I was pretty much running around all day, then working. Fun. I had an odd even happen on the bus this morning... I ran into nobody other than Omar ( I didn't notice him till we got off at the same stop. I didn't recognize him in the hat and shades), and Martina! Weird! I haven't seen or talked to her in a while, but it was great to catch up. (no Omar, I think it would take two hands for one. You know what I'm saying.) Other then that, didn't do much besides work. That and I watched the Tenacious D DVD again. Oh how I love that band. OH YEAH! I got another english paper back, this one with a B+ grade! I love it. I'm so tired. I'm going to go laugh at homestar runner for a while and then fall asleep.
Tony I

Quote of the day : "You can stay for the next band, if you don't mind cream in your jeans. Ladies and Gentlemen, Tenacious D." - Announcer guy from the Tenacious D episode titled "death of a dream".

Song of the day: "Cosmic Shame" - Tenacious D

Props: Me. HA!

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

I'm caving.

1. "Somebody Loved Me" - Reel Big Fish
2. "Buddy Holly" - Weezer
3. "Wake Up (secret Track)" - blink-182
4. "I Want The Quiet Moments of a Party Girl" - Owls
5. "Forget My Name" - New Found Glory
6. "Bankrupt on Selling" - Modest Mouse (CLEAN!)
7. "Sincerely Me" - New Found Glory
8. "Gravity Rides Everything" - Modest Mouse (CLEAN!)
9. "317 (rinse)" - Squarepusher
10. "Brain Stew" - Green Day
11. "Dammit" - blink-182 (clusic)
12. "We Heart Our Hive" - Q and Not U (CLEAN!)
13. "A Life Out Of Arctic Sounds" - Modest Mouse
14. "Pamphleteer" - The Weakerthans (CLEAN CLEAN!)
15. "Broke" - Modest Mouse (these guys are getting them all!)
16. "Falling Man" - Blonde Redhead
17. "Soft Pyramids" - Q and not U
18. "Circlewave" - Squarepusher
19. "Nice Face" - The Mackoids (weird eh?)
20. "My Red Hot Car" - Squarepusher

Monday, March 01, 2004

Well, since my last update... I've sobered up. HA! Saturday night was pretty clean. We went to see "The Passion of Christ", and let me tell ya, it was fucking awesome. It was a really powerful movie, and it was really clean except for the hoe-bag-bitch-skanks that were sitting behind us and talking the whole movie. After that, we had some hot sub action at Subway. Mmmm Subway. Then just a little route. LOL. On Sunday, I worked from 12-9, which fucking sucked. I mean it really fucking sucked. Like, it really fucking sucked. HA! I though if I repeated it enough you'd get the point. After work, I headed out to Dave to watch the Oscars. LOTR cleaned house, but I was really disappointed that Bill Murray didn't win. I feel really bad for him. After that, I came home and ignored the fact that I was supposed to study for the mid-term I had today. I raped it though. They had to call the cops and shit. I'm going to court on Monday. Anyway, That pretty much covers my life as of late.
So, Haiti... I guess the ousted leader is now accusing the US of forcing a Coup d'etat. It's almost believable. Or not. What do you think? Post it in the comments.
Tony I

quote of the day : "I guess if I was starving to death I would eat a dog. But not collie, because I don't like the taste of collie." - Jack Handey

Song of the day: "A new hope" - blink-182

Props: Simon, My MOM! WOW!